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Squirrel Control

Squirrel Control

Squirrels love your Miami home. Why? Because it’s warm, dry, and most importantly – their predators can’t get inside easily. Unfortunately, this means that squirrels will constantly try to find a way to make your home into their own.

How to Tell You Need Squirrel Control

Short of actually seeing squirrels huddled up in your attic, there are a few things you can look for to figure out if you’ve got a squirrel problem:

  • Nests and droppings. Squirrels will frequently use your insulation as nesting material and your attic as their bathroom.
  • Chew marks. Pay attention to wooden beams and plastic pipes. Squirrel teeth are constantly growing, and they need things to gnaw on to file them down.
  • Bad smells. The build-up of those droppings are going to create an unpleasant odor.

Are They Dangerous?

While you might not think squirrel control is necessary, consider this: squirrels are carriers of disease. They will attract pests, and they may reproduce inside your home. They will also damage your home by chewing your walls, pipes, and wires. While they might seem cuddly, squirrels can do a lot of harm to your home.

Getting Rid of Squirrels

There are several different ways you can deal with your squirrel problem. One common method is by using an exclusion funnel, which works like a one-way door: squirrels can get out, but they can’t get back in. However, using traps like these often end in failure if not performed by a trained professional like the ones at Critter Control®.

Our professionals are specialized in not only safely removing all the squirrels from your home, but also excluding them from future infestations by sealing up any holes in your home. For your free consultation, call us today at 305-363-7136.