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Rat Exterminator

Rat Exterminator

Rats are nuisance pests that damage your property and contaminate your food. Although clever, you can miami ratoften identify their presence if you find feces around baseboards or in the attic, notice grease stains along baseboards, discover holes or chew marks on food containers, or hear scurrying or scratching noises coming from the attic or walls. If you discover these pests inside your home or business, we advise you to call one of our professional rat exterminators at Critter Control® serving Miami as quickly as possible.

Damage and Health Concerns

Rats that get inside of your home can cause many issues including:

  • Gnawing – Rats have to wear down their continuously growing incisors, which causes them to gnaw on everything they can including pipes, wood, cement, wiring, and brick.
  • Nesting messes – To build a nest, rats will use whatever they can find to chew into and shred such as cardboard, magazines, insulation, etc.
  • Reproduction – During receptivity, a female rat can mate with many different males up to 500 times in a six-hour period resulting in up to 8 litters averaging 4-8 pups a year.
  • Food contamination – As a rat rummages through human food (which they love), foodborne diseases can be transmitted to humans through their saliva, urine, and droppings.

Rely on the Professionals

Because of the damage and health risks that rats cause, it’s important to seek help from a trained technician. Critter Control® has the knowledge and tools to remove any unwanted pests from your home quickly and efficiently. Call us today at 305-363-7136 for more information about rat extermination or to schedule your free consultation.