Signs of a Raccoon in Your Attic

What are those sounds coming from your attic and ceiling? You’re sure it’s raccoonnot a burglar, but what could it be?

It is possible that an unwanted house guest such as a rodent, opossum or even a raccoon has taken up residence in your home. This article will help outline the signs of a raccoon infestation, and will help determine whether or not you’re living with an unwanted raccoon roommate.

What Sets Raccoons Apart

Aside from other invasive critters like mice or rats, raccoons set themselves apart with their high intelligence and impressive dexterity. They can use their paws in a similar way that we use our hands, which allows them to open doors, pick up objects, and overturn garbage cans with ease. These characteristics make them well-equipped for making their way into a house, whether it be by climbing a tree and using the roof, or opening up a soffit or fascia with their paws to squeeze inside.

Common Signs of Raccoon Activity

The following signs are common amongst most any type of nuisance animal invasion:

  • Scratching, squeaking, or thumping noises coming from the walls or attic
  • Foul odor caused by urine or feces
  • Damage to structural areas of the home including wooden joists, beams, walls, and flooring
  • Unusually alert behavior from pets

By paying attention to the severity of these signs, you can determine if your unwelcome guest is a raccoon. They are the largest commonly invasive critter around, and as such, the sounds associated with their movement will be louder and heavier-sounding than other animals. They also make some different noises than other critters, like growling, grunting, or even purring. Be on the lookout for potential entry points around the outside of your home as well. If it looks like something that a cat could fit through, there is a good chance that it was made by a raccoon.

Let Us Help

No matter the sort of pest that is in your attic, it will eventually cause problems if left alone for too long. While some homeowners are used to tackling problems on their own, you should save yourself the effort by calling the experts at Critter Control® . Especially in the case of raccoons, which can be unsanitary and even transmit disease, letting us take care of the critter is in your best interests. Call us at 305-258-3587 to schedule your complimentary consultation.